About Answers 4 Life
The Answers 4 Life website was established in 2013 by Bob Helyar. This website was created as a way for people to find answers to some of life’s big questions. It also acts as a method of making Bob’s booklets and other resources easily accessible. Feel free to download any of the booklets or other resources available on this website for use in your area.
Message from Bob

Hi! Thanks for checking my website. I compiled it to share some insights I’ve accumulated over the years, which have been of great benefit to me, and therefore I hope others may also benefit from them. I’m a very ordinary Australian bloke with little in the way of formal qualifications. However, I regard myself as being rich in life experience, which is often the best teacher.
I respect everyone’s personal spiritual beliefs. Everyone has a reason for following what he/she believes. It is with that respect that I take the liberty of sharing my own beliefs, because through the application of these beliefs for over 30 years, I’ve found that purpose continues to unfold through my life. I’m particularly keen to share with people who are struggling to identify any fulfilling and meaningful purpose for their lives, because that state described my own life up to the age of 26.
At that age, through a coincidence of circumstances I took a close look at the teachings of Jesus and his first followers. Ever since then I’ve been growing in the belief that there is life and world-transforming power that can be accessed through the application of those teachings. I hope that the information I share in short easy-to-read documents and YouTube items will encourage others to seriously consider them.
Bob Helyar